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Cap Masoala and Nosy Behentona

Round trip: Cap Masoala and Nosy Behentona

The Masoala Peninsula is a must for anyone looking for a Madagascar vacation plans and a particularly natural and original travel experience an absolute must on the program: Nowhere on the entire island can flora and fauna be observed and discovered so carefree and uninfluenced by man as on the Masoala Peninsula. In fact, the density of hitherto unknown animal and plant species probably nowhere on Madagascar as high as in this so far only little developed area. The roads to Masoala may be a little arduous in parts, but nevertheless there are small cornerstones of civilization, built in harmony with nature on the peninsula, which now offer you a spectacular base for your vacation in Madagascar can offer. The following offer is for all tourists who are planning a visit to the Masoala Peninsula and want to have a short trip with different bathing experiences and sightseeing have. This tour proposal is, of course, only a kind of basic offer, which you can expand if you wish, according to your personal needs. If you browse a little through our various offers, you will see that in terms of Travel through Madagascar again and again various individualization options can offer. Especially with our individual trips this is definitely the case. For a concrete planning of your dream trip, you should therefore make a non-binding contact request.

Information about the basic tour

Day 1: From Arol Lodge to Nosy Behentona

The starting point for this trip is the Arol Lodgewhich we would like to recommend as a base camp for your stay on the Masoala Peninsula. The natural construction and design of the bungalows, which are all equipped with running hot water and sanitary facilities, offers you for time on the famous peninsula of Madagascar the ideal base for various excursions. From here you will then also start this 3-day trip, whereby it is initially by motorboat direction Masoala goes. After a short drive, the first thing on the agenda is a picnic on the still pristine island of Nosy Behentona on the plan. There you can also visit a lighthouse that has been miraculously spared from the various cyclones that regularly hit the island and the area. From here you have a breathtaking view of the lagoon of the island. Afterwards we continue through exactly this lagoon to the Cap Masoala Marine Parc. There you can swim in the crystal clear water, snorkel or just relax on the beach. Full board accommodation is provided at the camp in Ambodilaitry.

Day 2: Enjoy the sea at Cap Masoala

The second day of this short trip is also all about water. Enjoy the unique water landscape at Cap Masoala, recover from the stressful weeks before your Madagascar vacation and let the impressive landscape of the Cape take effect on you. Also today you will catered in full board and spend the night in the camp in Ambodilaitry.

Day 3: Back to Arol Lodge

On the third day, after breakfast, you will say goodbye to the unforgettable waterscape at Cap Masoala and return to Arol Lodge by motorboat. If you wish, you can experience many other adventures here

Facts and figures about the trip

This travel proposal can be booked by you with us as a prefabricated package or, however, following adapted to your personal needs be. To make it as easy as possible for you to plan any travel costs, we present the calculation in a table below. The prices shown there apply to the basic offer presented above. If you wish to make individual changes or adjustments, the prices may change. To provide even more transparency in planning, you will also receive a list of all included and non-included services on this short trip. If you have any questions or if you are interested in booking or customizing the tour, we will be happy to receive your contact request.

Cap Masoala - 3 days Price per person
2 to 3 guests 690€
4 to 5 guests 720€
6 - 7 guests 660€
8 - 9 guests 570€
10 guests and more 490€

For single tents we have to charge a surcharge of 190,00 Euro.

Included in the price:

  • Logistics and organization
  • Boat transfers to Cap Masoala, Nosy Behentona as well as to the reserves (speedboat)
  • Full board including overnight stay in tent with equipment
  • Entrance to Masoala National Park plus indicated guides including night hike

The price does not include:

  • Drinks
  • Tips
  • individual leisure activities like snorkeling, whale watching etc.

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Do you have any questions? Simply get in touch with us! Please use the contact form on the right. We will take care of your request as soon as possible.


Do you have any questions? Just get in touch with us! 

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Use our contact form to reach us directly! We guarantee a quick response and look forward to dealing with your individual requests and inquiries. Your dream vacation in Madagascar is just a message away. Don't hesitate - we are here for you!


Contact us - we will help you quickly and reliably with all your questions!

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Preferred activities (multiple selection possible)

Appeal for donations



After 10 months of total inactivity, self-employed people in the tourism industry in Madagascar are completely without income. There is no opening of the borders in sight in Madagascar and we are at the beginning of the rainy season, which is the low season, even in normal times. I have started a fundraiser for the guides and drivers I know well. From this money we will buy rice and other essentials and distribute them regularly, if possible, until the resumption of travel activities in April 2021 at the earliest. My special thanks to those who have already donated. I will start buying rice tomorrow and will begin distributing it this week.
[wpedon id=14828]
Or by bank transfer directly to my account to Klaus Konnerth
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE66430609674101878400
Keyword: Donation Madagascar

Thank you for your donation



I guarantee you that all donations to 100% will reach the people. Kind regards Klaus

No problem



Thank you for thinking about donating to the poorest. Maybe you will come back here again.

I guarantee you that all donations to 100% will reach the people. Kind regards Klaus

[wpedon id=14828]


Do you have any questions? Simply get in touch with us! Please use the contact form on the right. We will take care of your request as soon as possible.

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