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The east coast of Madagascar

Experience the tropical paradise

When Europeans and especially German tourists dream of Madagascar, they usually have an image in mind that most closely resembles the conditions in the east of the island. Here they still exist, the warm and humid, steaming rainforestswhere lush flora is rampant and the barely penetrable green thicket allows the view of numerous exotic animals releases. But not only the tropical rainforests, but also numerous breathtaking beautiful sandy beaches are hidden on the east coast of Madagascar and invite you to relax and unwind.

Hardly any region of the island is as varied and diverse as Madagascar's east and on a Trip to Madagascar you should definitely pay a visit to these areas. However, there are various aspects to consider here so that your Madagascar vacation can become a dreamlike experience. For this very reason, we would like to inform you below about various conditions that apply to a Journey to Madagascar East Coast need to be considered and at the same time give you some inspiring tips for possible stops on your tour of the East Coast. If you have any questions about this or are interested in a specific tour in more detail, we will be happy to help you. Finally, our offers are, as far as possible, always tailored to your personal needs.

Various factors influence the travel experience

The east coast of Madagascar comes very close to a tropical paradise, but it also has a small catch: The Cycloneswhich afflict this area from time to time, are not to be underestimated and can, at times, cause serious damage to humans and animals. a real danger bring with them. Also in connection with the sometimes very heavy rainfalls in and around the rainy season a good travel planning and preparation as recommended. We will be happy to tell you when is the best time to travel to explore the east of Madagascar's main island. Nevertheless, we would like to point out at this point that there are also outside the rainy season can now and then come to time delays: Some of the roads in the east of the island are not necessarily stable, which is why it can happen that they are flooded or are briefly in an otherwise impassable condition. Some flexibility can accordingly not hurt if you have a impressive vacation want to experience.

In addition, travelers who go to the east of Madagascar should definitely take into account that the nature of this part of the country is under a special protection stands. A few hundred years ago, most of Madagascar was covered with primary rainforest. Clearances and overexploitation of nature have led to the fact that the percentage of the land area covered by rainforest has minimized by a frighteningly large part. Accordingly, only isolated areas of the once lush rainforests remain today, which can be discovered especially on the eastern side of the island. On the Masoala Peninsula lies, for example, the national park of the same name, which is now also a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. In this national park and also in the famous Analamazoatra Reserve, which is also located on the east coast of Madagascar, still live today the last representatives of various species threatened with extinction. Those who plan tours and excursions in the rainforests of the country should always behave absolutely according to the rules with regard to nature conservation. Local guides are a great help in this regard.

Different routes lead to dreamlike places

In the east of Madagascar you can discover numerous dreamlike places: From Mananjary to Mankara, from Fort Dauphin to Manantenina or from Andasibe to Toamasina with a little side trip to the pirate island Sainte Marie - the number of different possibilities is large. Get a friendly welcome from the locals in the small villages and towns, relax at miles of dream beaches and embark on Jungle adventure, which you will surely remember for a long time. Numerous tours and routes along the east coast are conceivable. However, a four-wheel drive vehicle and a lot of patience are advised, as many adversities often cause the trip to stall. Partly there are Impassable bridges or the ferry boats are not in operation. With a little flexibility, however, these spontaneous stops and breaks can be enjoyed extensively, because the surrounding landscape always has its charm in the east.

When planning a Trip to the East Coast it is important to know the exact time allotment from the outset. If you have only a few days available, you should in any case make a Detour to Andasibe and Analamazoatra respectively and visit the rainforest there. Also the places Toamasina as well as a visit on Sainte Marie with further travel to Maorantsetra are recommended. Alternatively you can also Travel with trains be offered, as many routes have recently been recommissioned or expanded. Also Shortcuts by plane or boats are quite common if the east of Madagascar is to be explored in the most comfortable and uncomplicated way possible.

Regardless of whether you choose idyllic bathing bays and beaches or opt for the lush rainforest and fascinating landscapes. The experience of numerous trips to eastern Madagascar has shown that a Good preparation essential is. Accordingly, we would like to support you extensively in this regard. After all, we have the advantage of living directly on site and the Routes and highlights of the island of Madagascar know it like the back of our hand. To give you an idea of the relevant distances in the east of the island, we have listed some of them below. So you can already plan in advance how long you might have to plan for a trip. However, you should keep in mind that one kilometer in Madagascar is much slower than one kilometer in Germany.

Distances in the east of Madagascar

From According to        Distance in kilometers
Antananarivo Mandraka Park 65
Antananarivo Madagascar Exotique 72
Antananarivo Moramanga 117
Moramanga Ambatondrazaka 155
Moramanga Andasibe 30
Andasibe Brickaville 120
Andasibe Vatomandry 110
Brickaville Toamasina 100
Toamasina Feonarivo 108
Toamasina Vatomandry 190

The distances shown above are only an approximation. Selection of possible route sections dar. The further south you go, the more time you have to plan for your trip. When planning, if at all possible, always suggest the following one or two days more so that you leave yourself enough time to explore a national park extensively, for example. In addition, due to the various unpredictability in the east of the island, it is always better to take a small time buffer to have. Feel free to contact us so that we can advise you further.

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Appeal for donations



After 10 months of total inactivity, self-employed people in the tourism industry in Madagascar are completely without income. There is no opening of the borders in sight in Madagascar and we are at the beginning of the rainy season, which is the low season, even in normal times. I have started a fundraiser for the guides and drivers I know well. From this money we will buy rice and other essentials and distribute them regularly, if possible, until the resumption of travel activities in April 2021 at the earliest. My special thanks to those who have already donated. I will start buying rice tomorrow and will begin distributing it this week.
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Or by bank transfer directly to my account to Klaus Konnerth
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE66430609674101878400
Keyword: Donation Madagascar

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I guarantee you that all donations to 100% will reach the people. Kind regards Klaus

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I guarantee you that all donations to 100% will reach the people. Kind regards Klaus

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