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Our travel offer

Photo trip to Madagascar with Pierre Koval-Osten and Andringitra Mountains

Price from 3460 €
Duration 14 days

About the trip

Photo trip With Pierre Koval

Madagascar, already the sound of this word promises unique experiences in an unknown and exotic world.

What could be more natural than to encounter them with the camera.

Discover with us fascinating animal species, breathtaking landscapes and a colorful culture, which exists nowhere else in the world a second time.

A photo trip to Madagascar is a dream, and with the right partners at your side, nothing has to stand in the way of its fulfillment.

The combination makes the difference: English-speaking tour guides with many years of Madagascar experience, who offer comfort and Safety and experienced nature photographers who have already had a wide variety of motifs from all over the world in front of the lens and are happy to share their skills and knowledge.

Throughout the trip, you will work with Pierre Koval to develop professional ways to achieve the optimal image through theory and practical workshops as well as numerous image discussions.

Workshop overview


-Animal Photography

-Landscape Photography


  • Animal photography
  • Landscape photography
  • Image reviews
  • Workshop details and contents

Your Photo gateway Pierre Koval

Pierre Koval, your photo mentor will clarify different approaches and in small groups techniques and working methods can be varied and analyzed in detail.

Being able to immerse yourself in the working methods of two different photographers on one photography trip is unique to Madagascar and allows you perfect opportunities.

Benefit from our experience, also gained as a biologist, in dealing with the unique Wildlife of Madagascar. We will show you interesting ways of life and behavior of the animal species and thus make it possible to capture them on a picture in a natural way with the necessary tact.

Whether lemurs, reptiles or insects, the way to the perfect picture often leads over the understanding of the animal species itself.7 So we have more time to deal with the details and subtleties of animal photography.

Whether telephoto or macro photography, we dedicate ourselves to both in detail in several practical and theoretical workshops.

As diverse as Madagascar's wildlife is the landscape they inhabit.

What photographed and Edited becomes

We will take you to some of the most spectacular regions of the island, where together we will highlight the most diverse aspects of landscape photography.

We offer you as the only explicit photo travel provider the possibility to visit the remote Andringitra Massif with its perfect conditions for landscape and astrophotography.

You will never forget the nights under the Milky Way in this magnificent scenery. As a wonderful counterpoint to this, we will also be East coast beaches photographically tackle.

In addition to long exposures, filter photography and astrophotography, their processing is not neglected.

But don't worry, we won't spend hours at the PC, we both take the approach of capturing the image as best as we can the moment we take it.

However, minor adjustments are essential in digital photography, and so we'll show you how to get the most out of your shots using efficient and useful methods here, too.

In addition to the nature photography disciplines of landscape, wildlife and macro photography, we will also have the opportunity to implement aspects of travel photography in terms of people and culture. Here, the Malagasy native speakers who will accompany our trip will playfully help us gain insight into the life and culture of the local population and the different tribes of Madagascar.

Experience together with us a fantastic country, whose rich nature and friendly people can be found nowhere else in the world.


The travel days in detail

Day 1: Arrival in Antananarivo

After completing the visa formalities you will be picked up by one of our guides or by us directly at the airport. Depending on the arrival time, either a hotel transfer and well-deserved rest is on the program, but if time allows, various activities are also offered. Overnight stay in the "Villa Sibylle

Day 2: Antananarivo to Andasibe

  • Wildlife Photography Theory Workshop (1): Telephoto and Super Telephoto in the Rainforest (Andasibe):
Choosing the right focal length is essential in wildlife photography. It is not always a case of "the longer, the better". We look at the effects of different focal lengths on the image and their influence on the image composition. How can I influence the focal length, what are the advantages and disadvantages of long focal lengths with regard to image composition? How do I handle telephoto and super telephoto lenses in the field? Possibilities of different autofocus modes, AF sensors, operating modes. Light measurements in extreme situations. Continuous shooting.

Day 3: Lemurs in Andasibe

  • Practical workshop wildlife photography (1): telephoto and super telephoto in the rainforest (Andasibe):
Here, in small groups of 4-6 participants, the findings of the previous day are applied in the field and deepened in individual coaching sessions. We are available the whole time with advice and support to master even photographically difficult situations. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test super telephoto lenses with Canon mount. The target in the morning and in the morning are the many species of lemurs, especially the largest representatives: The Indris.
  • Practical workshop wildlife photography (2): Telephoto and macro photography at night in the rainforest (Andasibe):
Here, after a short briefing, small groups of 4-6 participants will set out for the night excursion. The goal is the many reptiles and amphibian species of the rainforest. Different flash techniques are illustrated with examples and the rainforest is approached in a very exciting way. For individual shooting situations, there is the possibility to test macro lenses with Canon connection

Day 4: Andasibe Rainforest

  • Practical workshop wildlife photography (3): telephoto and super telephoto in the rainforest (Andasibe):
Good nature and wildlife photography lives from the possibilities that are offered to you and which you have to work out. So we set off again to photograph a wide variety of lemurs and reptiles in the rainforest. All the time we are at your side with help and advice to master even photographically difficult situations. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test super telephoto lenses with Canon mount.
  • Practical workshop wildlife photography: telephoto and macro photography at night in the rainforest (Andasibe):
By no means are all cats gray at night. We dive into the rainforest at night again and work on our flash technique. The target are the many reptiles and amphibian species of the rainforest. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test macro lenses with Canon mount.

Day 5: Andasibe

  • Image review: wildlife photography (Andasibe):
We'll sift through your best work from the last few days together and discuss the results constructively on the big screen. What really gets you ahead is constructive criticism. What is already going well, what can you still work on the next few days and especially how? Solution-oriented approaches will bring your photography to the next level and we will also have time to learn some exemplary editing steps and possibilities.
  • Theory workshop landscape photography: long exposure and filter photography (east coast):
Landscape photography needs rest and time. We will first deal with the relevant technical aspects such as focal length, focusing, camera modes, tripod, exposure assessment via histogram, possibilities of using filters and then move on to creative aspects such as image composition, eye tracking, long exposure.

Day 6: Andasibe-Ankanin'ny Nofy

  • Landscape photography practice workshop: sunrise and sunset on the river and sea (east coast):
Here, in small groups of 4-6 participants, the findings of the previous day are applied in the field and deepened in individual coaching sessions. We are available the whole time with advice and support to master even photographically difficult situations. We will start at blue hour at the sea and will capture the bright, soft colors of the sunrise in combination with wonderfully soft water on the sensors. At sunset, we will deal with reflections at the Canal de Pangalanes and set up our tripods for the most diverse viewing angles.
  • Photo trip on the Canal de Pangalan (east coast):
From the river you have a very unique view of the land and wildlife. We set off for a relaxed photo safari along the Canal de Pangalan. Whether with the telephoto lens permanently at the ready or for relaxed observation of nature, the Canal is unique.

Day 7: Ankanin'ny Nofy

  • Landscape Photography Practice Workshop: Sunrise and Sunset on the River and Sea Part 2 (East Coast):
Every day is different and so is every sunrise and sunset. We use the fantastic location for new image ideas and to create different image looks by playing with exposure time and light. We will explore the coast to the Indian Ocean as well as the mangroves of the Canal de Pangalan.
  • Practical workshop wildlife photography: telephoto and macro photography in the Wildlife Reserve (East Coast):
We will roam in small groups of 2-6 participants through the private reserve directly on the canal and will have the opportunity to photograph numerous representatives of Madegassian wildlife such as lemurs and reptiles. We will hone your shooting techniques and implement interesting image ideas. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test macro and super telephoto lenses with Canon mount.

Day 8: Ankan'y Nofy - Antananarivo-Antsirabe

  • Image review: landscape and wildlife photography (Antsirabe):
We'll sift through your best work from the last few days together and discuss the results constructively on the big screen. What really gets you ahead is constructive criticism. What is already going well, what can you still work on the next few days and especially how? Solution-oriented approaches will bring your photography to the next level and we will also have time to learn some exemplary editing steps and possibilities.  

Day 9: Antananarivo-Ambalavao

  • Theory workshop animal photography and macro photography (Andringitra):
We look closely. Imaging scales in the macro range open up an exciting world whose pitfalls you have to know in order to skilfully stage them. What technical hurdles must be overcome? Image composition in the microcosm. Less is more: selective focus points. Conscious use of different lighting situations.

Day 10: Andringitra Massif

  • Landscape photography practice workshop: sunrise and sunset in Andringitra Massif:
With our cameras and tripods we await the dawn in the Andringitra Massif. In addition to wide-angle shots, the mountain landscape is also perfect for capturing sections of the landscape in perfect light with a telephoto lens. We will work with exposure bracketing to get a grip on these light moods without a gray graduated filter. Practice makes perfect and so we will also deal with different image angles in landscape photography at sunset.
  • Practical workshop wildlife photography: telephoto and macro photography in Tsaranoro Valley (Andringitra):
We roam in small groups of 2-6 participants through the Tsaranoro Valley, a foothill of the Andringitra Massif. On the trail of the Kattas (ring-tailed lemurs) we can hone our telephotography skills, before we then encounter a recently discovered reptile from the gecko family with our macro lenses in the middle of the forest in a small cave. Here we will learn about focus stacking in practice and back in our lodge we will learn the processing steps for it. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test macro and super telephoto lenses with Canon mount.  

Day 11: Pic Chameleon Tsaranoro

  • Landscape photography practice workshop: panoramas from Peak Chameleon and/or west flank of Andringitra Massif:
Depending on the weather, we set off for Peak Chameleon and/or the southern flank of the Andringitra Massif. We take advantage of the breathtaking view to get into panoramic photography. Which camera settings are necessary? How many pictures at which focal length? What is the nodal point and when is it important? Creation of panorama-ready raw data? Panorama accessories? Back at our lodge, we will then look at software-based stitching of our panoramas.
  • Landscape photography practice workshop: night and astropanoramas (Andringitra):
Right after dinner we now combine our freshly acquired panoramic skills with astrophotography. The low light pollution in the Andringitra massif and the absence of the moon in the early night hours allow us to immortalize the Milky Way stretching across the sky from one end of the horizon to the other in a panorama. Of course, we will be at your side all the time to help you master even this photographically challenging task. Focusing at night? Earth rotation and shooting time? Stacking and stitching?

Day 12: Tsaranoro-Anja Park-Ambalavao

  • Practical workshop wildlife photography: telephoto and macro photography in Anja Reserve:
We roam in small groups of 4-6 participants through the Anja Reserve, an offshore mountain range of the Andringitra Massif. For telephotography we go in search of the Kattas (ring-tailed lemurs), the leaf litter layer we search for dwarf chameleons, perfect animals to improve our focus-stacking qualities. We will also practice this on various succulents ("cacti") on the rocky plateaus. Further contents of this workshop are image composition and image composition with open aperture. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test macro and super telephoto lenses with Canon mount.
  • Practical workshop landscape photography: panoramas and sunset (Anja Reservat)
We use the views from the rock plateaus on our hike through the Anja Reserve to combine the use of filters in landscape photography with panorama techniques. When the golden evening sun bathes the boulders in the landscape in golden light, our sensors will cheer with joy.

Day 13: Ambalavao-Antananarivo

  • Image review : Macro and astrophotography (Antsirabe):
We'll sift through your best work from the last few days together and discuss the results constructively on the big screen. What really gets you ahead is constructive criticism. What should you pay attention to in the future? Clarification of open questions? Solution-oriented approaches will take your photography to the next level and we will also have time to look at some exemplary processing steps and possibilities.

Day 14: Antananarivo and surroundings

Day at leisure (Tana): After two weeks of looking through the viewfinder, on the day of departure it's time to take in the country and its people without a camera. There are various excursion destinations available such as the former royal palace of Madagascar: The Rova, a crocodile farm, a lemur park, etc.. Of course, you can also use the time to relax and prepare for the flight home in peace.
  • Image review: "Best of" and feedback (Tana):
Finally, we'll review your best work from the past two weeks and discuss the results constructively on the big screen. What really gets you ahead is constructive criticism. How has your style of photography developed over the past 2 weeks? What is still unclear? What's next? What do I do with the acquired knowledge at home? Solution-oriented approaches will take your photography to the next level and we will also have time to look at some exemplary processing steps and possibilities.

Nature photography remarks

All photo spots, locations and workshop contents are carefully planned, based on our long experience as nature photographers and Madagascar travelers. Nevertheless, the factor of nature in nature photography also remains a bit unpredictable. Therefore, we reserve the right to change the schedule and the order of the workshops in exceptional cases. For example, if the weather does not permit various landscape photographs on the planned day, routes are impassable or certain species of wildlife are not to be found on the respective day. We have planned enough leeway in the time schedule and alternative locations, both for the animal and the landscape photography workshops, so that even in extreme cases all content can be taught and trained in practice. We are looking forward to you and unforgettable days in Madagascar.

Day 1: Arrival in Antananarivo

After completing the visa formalities you will be picked up by one of our guides or by us directly at the airport. Depending on the arrival time, either a hotel transfer and well-deserved rest is on the program, but if time allows, various activities are also offered. Overnight stay in the "Villa Sibylle

Day 2: Antananarivo to Andasibe

  • Wildlife Photography Theory Workshop (1): Telephoto and Super Telephoto in the Rainforest (Andasibe):
Choosing the right focal length is essential in wildlife photography. It is not always a case of "the longer, the better". We look at the effects of different focal lengths on the image and their influence on the image composition. How can I influence the focal length, what are the advantages and disadvantages of long focal lengths with regard to image composition? How do I handle telephoto and super telephoto lenses in the field? Possibilities of different autofocus modes, AF sensors, operating modes. Light measurements in extreme situations. Continuous shooting.

Day 3: Lemurs in Andasibe

  • Practical workshop wildlife photography (1): telephoto and super telephoto in the rainforest (Andasibe):
Here, in small groups of 4-6 participants, the findings of the previous day are applied in the field and deepened in individual coaching sessions. We are available the whole time with advice and support to master even photographically difficult situations. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test super telephoto lenses with Canon mount. The target in the morning and in the morning are the many species of lemurs, especially the largest representatives: The Indris.
  • Practical workshop wildlife photography (2): Telephoto and macro photography at night in the rainforest (Andasibe):
Here, after a short briefing, small groups of 4-6 participants will set out for the night excursion. The goal is the many reptiles and amphibian species of the rainforest. Different flash techniques are illustrated with examples and the rainforest is approached in a very exciting way. For individual shooting situations, there is the possibility to test macro lenses with Canon connection

Day 4: Andasibe Rainforest

  • Practical workshop wildlife photography (3): telephoto and super telephoto in the rainforest (Andasibe):
Good nature and wildlife photography lives from the possibilities that are offered to you and which you have to work out. So we set off again to photograph a wide variety of lemurs and reptiles in the rainforest. All the time we are at your side with help and advice to master even photographically difficult situations. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test super telephoto lenses with Canon mount.
  • Practical workshop wildlife photography: telephoto and macro photography at night in the rainforest (Andasibe):
By no means are all cats gray at night. We dive into the rainforest at night again and work on our flash technique. The target are the many reptiles and amphibian species of the rainforest. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test macro lenses with Canon mount.

Day 5: Andasibe

  • Image review: wildlife photography (Andasibe):
We'll sift through your best work from the last few days together and discuss the results constructively on the big screen. What really gets you ahead is constructive criticism. What is already going well, what can you still work on the next few days and especially how? Solution-oriented approaches will bring your photography to the next level and we will also have time to learn some exemplary editing steps and possibilities.
  • Theory workshop landscape photography: long exposure and filter photography (east coast):
Landscape photography needs rest and time. We will first deal with the relevant technical aspects such as focal length, focusing, camera modes, tripod, exposure assessment via histogram, possibilities of using filters and then move on to creative aspects such as image composition, eye tracking, long exposure.

Day 6: Andasibe-Ankanin'ny Nofy

  • Landscape photography practice workshop: sunrise and sunset on the river and sea (east coast):
Here, in small groups of 4-6 participants, the findings of the previous day are applied in the field and deepened in individual coaching sessions. We are available the whole time with advice and support to master even photographically difficult situations. We will start at blue hour at the sea and will capture the bright, soft colors of the sunrise in combination with wonderfully soft water on the sensors. At sunset, we will deal with reflections at the Canal de Pangalanes and set up our tripods for the most diverse viewing angles.
  • Photo trip on the Canal de Pangalan (east coast):
From the river you have a very unique view of the land and wildlife. We set off for a relaxed photo safari along the Canal de Pangalan. Whether with the telephoto lens permanently at the ready or for relaxed observation of nature, the Canal is unique.

Day 7: Ankanin'ny Nofy

  • Landscape Photography Practice Workshop: Sunrise and Sunset on the River and Sea Part 2 (East Coast):
Every day is different and so is every sunrise and sunset. We use the fantastic location for new image ideas and to create different image looks by playing with exposure time and light. We will explore the coast to the Indian Ocean as well as the mangroves of the Canal de Pangalan.
  • Practical workshop wildlife photography: telephoto and macro photography in the Wildlife Reserve (East Coast):
We will roam in small groups of 2-6 participants through the private reserve directly on the canal and will have the opportunity to photograph numerous representatives of Madegassian wildlife such as lemurs and reptiles. We will hone your shooting techniques and implement interesting image ideas. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test macro and super telephoto lenses with Canon mount.

Day 8: Ankan'y Nofy - Antananarivo-Antsirabe

  • Image review: landscape and wildlife photography (Antsirabe):
We'll sift through your best work from the last few days together and discuss the results constructively on the big screen. What really gets you ahead is constructive criticism. What is already going well, what can you still work on the next few days and especially how? Solution-oriented approaches will bring your photography to the next level and we will also have time to learn some exemplary editing steps and possibilities.  

Day 9: Antananarivo-Ambalavao

  • Theory workshop animal photography and macro photography (Andringitra):
We look closely. Imaging scales in the macro range open up an exciting world whose pitfalls you have to know in order to skilfully stage them. What technical hurdles must be overcome? Image composition in the microcosm. Less is more: selective focus points. Conscious use of different lighting situations.

Day 10: Andringitra Massif

  • Landscape photography practice workshop: sunrise and sunset in Andringitra Massif:
With our cameras and tripods we await the dawn in the Andringitra Massif. In addition to wide-angle shots, the mountain landscape is also perfect for capturing sections of the landscape in perfect light with a telephoto lens. We will work with exposure bracketing to get a grip on these light moods without a gray graduated filter. Practice makes perfect and so we will also deal with different image angles in landscape photography at sunset.
  • Practical workshop wildlife photography: telephoto and macro photography in Tsaranoro Valley (Andringitra):
We roam in small groups of 2-6 participants through the Tsaranoro Valley, a foothill of the Andringitra Massif. On the trail of the Kattas (ring-tailed lemurs) we can hone our telephotography skills, before we then encounter a recently discovered reptile from the gecko family with our macro lenses in the middle of the forest in a small cave. Here we will learn about focus stacking in practice and back in our lodge we will learn the processing steps for it. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test macro and super telephoto lenses with Canon mount.  

Day 11: Pic Chameleon Tsaranoro

  • Landscape photography practice workshop: panoramas from Peak Chameleon and/or west flank of Andringitra Massif:
Depending on the weather, we set off for Peak Chameleon and/or the southern flank of the Andringitra Massif. We take advantage of the breathtaking view to get into panoramic photography. Which camera settings are necessary? How many pictures at which focal length? What is the nodal point and when is it important? Creation of panorama-ready raw data? Panorama accessories? Back at our lodge, we will then look at software-based stitching of our panoramas.
  • Landscape photography practice workshop: night and astropanoramas (Andringitra):
Right after dinner we now combine our freshly acquired panoramic skills with astrophotography. The low light pollution in the Andringitra massif and the absence of the moon in the early night hours allow us to immortalize the Milky Way stretching across the sky from one end of the horizon to the other in a panorama. Of course, we will be at your side all the time to help you master even this photographically challenging task. Focusing at night? Earth rotation and shooting time? Stacking and stitching?

Day 12: Tsaranoro-Anja Park-Ambalavao

  • Practical workshop wildlife photography: telephoto and macro photography in Anja Reserve:
We roam in small groups of 4-6 participants through the Anja Reserve, an offshore mountain range of the Andringitra Massif. For telephotography we go in search of the Kattas (ring-tailed lemurs), the leaf litter layer we search for dwarf chameleons, perfect animals to improve our focus-stacking qualities. We will also practice this on various succulents ("cacti") on the rocky plateaus. Further contents of this workshop are image composition and image composition with open aperture. For individual shooting situations there is the possibility to test macro and super telephoto lenses with Canon mount.
  • Practical workshop landscape photography: panoramas and sunset (Anja Reservat)
We use the views from the rock plateaus on our hike through the Anja Reserve to combine the use of filters in landscape photography with panorama techniques. When the golden evening sun bathes the boulders in the landscape in golden light, our sensors will cheer with joy.

Day 13: Ambalavao-Antananarivo

  • Image review : Macro and astrophotography (Antsirabe):
We'll sift through your best work from the last few days together and discuss the results constructively on the big screen. What really gets you ahead is constructive criticism. What should you pay attention to in the future? Clarification of open questions? Solution-oriented approaches will take your photography to the next level and we will also have time to look at some exemplary processing steps and possibilities.

Day 14: Antananarivo and surroundings

Day at leisure (Tana): After two weeks of looking through the viewfinder, on the day of departure it's time to take in the country and its people without a camera. There are various excursion destinations available such as the former royal palace of Madagascar: The Rova, a crocodile farm, a lemur park, etc.. Of course, you can also use the time to relax and prepare for the flight home in peace.
  • Image review: "Best of" and feedback (Tana):
Finally, we'll review your best work from the past two weeks and discuss the results constructively on the big screen. What really gets you ahead is constructive criticism. How has your style of photography developed over the past 2 weeks? What is still unclear? What's next? What do I do with the acquired knowledge at home? Solution-oriented approaches will take your photography to the next level and we will also have time to look at some exemplary processing steps and possibilities.

Nature photography remarks

All photo spots, locations and workshop contents are carefully planned, based on our long experience as nature photographers and Madagascar travelers. Nevertheless, the factor of nature in nature photography also remains a bit unpredictable. Therefore, we reserve the right to change the schedule and the order of the workshops in exceptional cases. For example, if the weather does not permit various landscape photographs on the planned day, routes are impassable or certain species of wildlife are not to be found on the respective day. We have planned enough leeway in the time schedule and alternative locations, both for the animal and the landscape photography workshops, so that even in extreme cases all content can be taught and trained in practice. We are looking forward to you and unforgettable days in Madagascar.

Facts and figures

Price per person in Bed & Breakfast:

For the provision of a single room, a total surcharge of 690.00 euros will be charged.

2 guests 3780  €
3 guests 3660  €
4 guests 3590  €
6 guests 3490  €
8 guests 3460



The services included in the basic price

- complete planning and logistics
- English speaking escort and tour guide

- 1 experienced workshop leader/mentor
- High quality vehicles including driver and fuel
- all nights in the specified hotels
- Catering concerning breakfast
- Transfers, taxes and trips specified in the program

Services not included in the basic price

- Lunch, dinner and drinks as well as other individual catering
- Tips and all personal expenses
- Entrance fees for the national parks and private parks
- additional local guides and optional leisure activities
- Airfares for international flights and domestic flights
- Taxes for flights as well as airport fees
- Travel health insurance and travel cancellation insurance
- Visa costs (currently not applicable)

Plan your dream trip to Madagascar!

Individual, personal and unforgettable - we design your trip according to your wishes. Talk to us about your ideas and let us develop your perfect route together.

This is also interesting

Trip to book from October 8 to 23, 2024 |
Photo travel
Duration 16 days days
Price from 2590€ €
Madagascar photo trip with Pierre KovalAndasibe, Ankanin'ny Nofy, Tsingy and baobab avenue
The West of Madagascar
Duration 18 days
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Table of contents


Do you have a question or a request?

Use our contact form to reach us directly! We guarantee a quick response and look forward to dealing with your individual requests and inquiries. Your dream vacation in Madagascar is just a message away. Don't hesitate - we are here for you!


Contact us - we will help you quickly and reliably with all your questions!

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Appeal for donations



After 10 months of total inactivity, self-employed people in the tourism industry in Madagascar are completely without income. There is no opening of the borders in sight in Madagascar and we are at the beginning of the rainy season, which is the low season, even in normal times. I have started a fundraiser for the guides and drivers I know well. From this money we will buy rice and other essentials and distribute them regularly, if possible, until the resumption of travel activities in April 2021 at the earliest. My special thanks to those who have already donated. I will start buying rice tomorrow and will begin distributing it this week.
[wpedon id=14828]
Or by bank transfer directly to my account to Klaus Konnerth
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE66430609674101878400
Keyword: Donation Madagascar

Thank you for your donation



I guarantee you that all donations to 100% will reach the people. Kind regards Klaus

No problem



Thank you for thinking about donating to the poorest. Maybe you will come back here again.

I guarantee you that all donations to 100% will reach the people. Kind regards Klaus

[wpedon id=14828]


Do you have any questions? Simply get in touch with us! Please use the contact form on the right. We will take care of your request as soon as possible.


Do you have any questions? Just get in touch with us! 

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Do you have any questions? Simply get in touch with us! Please use the contact form on the right. We will take care of your request as soon as possible.

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